Our facilities are integral to the church’s mission and outreach program. Along with our regular ministries of Christian Education, Worship and Music, other ministries of the congregation are regularly taking place. These include Women and Men’s Ministries, Memory Café, a free monthly gathering for those experiencing memory loss and their caregivers and Common Thursday. This bimonthly gathering over soup, led by Pastor Nancy, invites the congregation and members of the community to engage in culturally relevant discussions and explore our faith further. Our Annual Christmas Open House is a welcome community tradition delighting children and parents with cookie decorating and hot cocoa after the tree lighting on the Common and much needed restrooms! We also have offered a Memorial Day Breakfast before the big parade. Last, but not least, are our renowned Ham and Bean Suppers which provide a healthy meal to seniors and others in our community.
We are also blessed to be able to share our space with others ministering in the community. For many year Love First Church shared our church for worship and fellowship but have since moved on. The Littleton Council of Churches meets here. The building is a regular meeting space for Narcotics Anonymous, a Parenting Class, and Nashoba Chorale. We also offer the building to non-profits for their fundraising efforts and use.
Indeed, our church building is an integral part of our ministry on the Common! Time had taken its toll and we undertook to renovate our aging restrooms and sanctuary.
Our in-house architect, Lyle Webster, made the plans for upgrading our deteriorating restrooms to modern standards including an ADA compliant facility so important to our seniors and others with limited mobility.

Restoration 2022
First Baptist Church (FBC) Littleton will soon reach its 200-year anniversary of incorporation in March 2022.
All of you who have ventured through the doors of our current building have experienced the care and attention it has been given over since it was built in 1840, to replace the original brick meeting house, which burned down in August of that year. Whether your stay was brief or for much of a lifetime, we all recognize that faithful support and work have kept our wooden building sound and welcoming. You all have been part of that loving care and we express sincere appreciation to each of you.
The sanctuary was also targeted for revitalization with much needed new seating and carpeting. Our goal was to create a flexible, accessible, hospitable and welcoming space for all whether it be for those who worship here for a lifetime or for just a day to attend an event.

A Brief Record of the Work
See the pictures below to appreciate the effort and dedication involved with the restoration.