1996 Onwards
1996-1999, Rev Ken Downes returned from sabatical.
1999-2014, Rev Debbie Blanchard.
2015-2017, Interim Pastor Jay Mulligan.
At the end of May 2017, Jay stepped down and at his last service, he spoke these kind words:
"Friends, we have done this in our brief time together, But, let me say, you have done this for me. Thank you for your gifts.
I have known a new warmth through you, a genuine caring for me, not just for the particular role I’m called to for this moment.
I have met new spirit-filled friends whom I will love and cherish all my life. Again, friends of mine who will remain friends after I Interim Pastor becomes brother-in-Christ to you. I have shared my greatest and most personal joys with you as friends. Remember Jesus said “I call you not servants, but friends”. So, you have been to me. So you will always remain.
You have given me a new hope for the church. On very rare occasion people have had differing perspectives here, but all toward the same goal. And you love one another more than you hold onto any differences. You speak your parts, you respect one another, you wait for God to lead, and come together. Differences, yes, divisions, never. I have never experienced more harmony than among you. I have never seen more caring for one another than here. I have never seen more lay participation and commitment than here, not for power or status or recognition, but because of your genuine love for the Lord and ALL God’s children everywhere (and a special love for the youngest and the most mature). “The church” can be a country club, and a cruel one, thinking it is a gatekeeper to serve a limited membership through a hierarchy of power, instead of going out to tell the good news and to serve because you have a passion to love, not because you want to fill seats and meet a budget. You friends, want to love! You have sought the Lord and found focus and visions. You have given me new hope for the church.
You have renewed my faith, my personal faith. Yes, I have doubted but now I believe again that God can really be present with real hands and real feet and real hearts. You have renewed my faith because I have seen God here, not just God at work, but God. I have experienced God here. I have seen and experienced God with my own eyes and heart and soul here. And I have found God actually present in our music, our worship and our service. You have renewed my faith."
June 2017, we welcomed Rev Nancy Willbanks after a fruitful pastoral search. Her formal installation service being held on October 1st 2017.
Nancy was ordained in 2011 and served as Minister to Youth and Families at Old Cambridge Baptist Church from 2011-15. She served on the Commission for Ordained Ministry for TABCOM and as a dual career minister, worked as the Chief Financial Officer at Somerville Cambridge Elder Services, where she founded their interfaith Spiritual Caregiving Volunteer program.
Nancy was a graduate of Mount Holyoke College with a major in music and a minor in history and had her Masters from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Marketing and Accounting. She received her Master of Divinity degree from Andover Newton Theological School with an emphasis on Worship, Theology and the Arts.
Nancy stepped down as being our pastor January 8th 2023 and we entered a period of searching for a new pastor.