
The town's anniversary was celebrated in 1964.

In 1965 the women’s work was reorganized to become the Baptist Women’s Fellowship with four circles - Rachel, Rebekah, Rhoda and Ruth. This seems to have been an advantageous move.

In January 1968 the church accepted a proposal to renovate the chancel area, and to add classrooms by raising the roof of the new addition (of 1960). This work was completed in September. The chancel has new furniture - altar, lecterns, pastor’s chairs, choir chairs, and flower stands. A repository for the Book of Memory now stands in the narthex. Red carpeting from the altar to the entrance enhances our place of worship. Most of the furniture has been given in memory of loved ones. The focal point is the Good Shepherd window placed in the east wall. An interior wall behind the pulpit gave way to this window and to make sufficient room for the new fiberglass baptistry.

In two years, October 1968 to October 1970, with the cooperation of a devoted membership, the mortgage was paid off.

In the intervening years some modernizing of the heating systems, repairs to the belfry, organ and restrooms, painting and refurbishing of the old vestry, have been done. Some of it has been by contract work; some of it by volunteers.

In 1972 Pastor Griffin marks the 25th year of his ordination and his 9th year in Littleton.

In preparation for our 150th anniversary in 1972, much of our church facility has been refurbished. Memorials, including new sanctuary lanterns and a complete system of chimes, were given.

All of the memorial gifts are listed in the Book of Memory.

The anniversary celebration includes the return or response of several former pastors, a Service of Prayer and Praise, an all-church banquet, an historical pageant, an Olde Tyme Harvest Supper, and a roll call of the church.

And so our “Church on the Corner” continues the ministry of Christ. Would God that, even with the rapidity of change in our day, we might be found faithful to the dream and the challenge of those who have kept the faith these 150 years.

Since 1964, 63 have been added to the church: 39 by Baptism, 18 by letter, 6 by experience.

Membership - 1972: Resident - 198; Total - 250.